The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

Have you ever wondered about spelling ? I mean not how the actual word is spelled but the word spelling itself. If you think about it for a moment - "spell-ing". Casting a spell with your words which alter your reality? yes! Your words shape your world reflecting the ways you think about yourself and your surroundings. If your vocabulary is positive, the chances are your life is full of positivity and opportunities. If you language is full of negatives...well, you get the picture. However, so many of the words we use come from our conditioning and how people around us talk. Don't we often express ourselves without even thinking about it? A good example is "try" vs. "do" or "I don't think" instead of "I think", "I'm positive", "I'm sure", "I'll do my best". We have power and it is within us. The words which leave our mouths articulate our patterns of thinking whether they are conscious or unconscious and they still shape our reality. I know which reality I want, do you? Starting from watching your words is quite a simple way of altering your unconscious patterns and starting changes.

Pay attention to your words and choose silence if you have nothing nice to say. It will benefit you more than you realise!